Quantum computers: Potentially smarter than the human brain
Quantum mechanics might some day allow us to build computers with processors that make and store logical decisions on the atomic scale. This would give such incredible computing power that they could...
View ArticleA Call for a Siftquisition: MycroftHomlz
MycroftHomlz has just reached, by my count, a little over 7 superfluous Sift Talk posts. At this point, in the Sift's life I think we need to ask ourselves the question: How much is too much?...
View ArticleMary Matalin: Global warming a "largely unscientific hoax"
It warms my heart to see that Republican flacks can still call global warming a "largely unscientific hoax" and a "political concoction". By warming my heart, I mean it gives me acid reflux.
View ArticleLet the Videosift Roast begin! Zifnab takes center stage...
Welcome one and all to the videosift roast! Tonight we have a special treat as tonight's roastee is currently the Ranked Number #1 Zifnab! What can be said about Zifnab that hasn't been said yet? (That...
View ArticleThe Young Turks Showcase The Dumbest Invention Ever
The Young Turks showcase the "Speedfit," a treadmill with wheels. The inventors had to be high when they thought this up.
View ArticleUndercover Karaoke with Jewel
FOD: 'Jewel, disguised as a mild mannered businesswoman, drops by a local karaoke bar and performs some of her classic songs to a completely dumbfounded audience.'
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